Sandalwood Essential Oil and the Benefits

Sandalwood Essential Oil and the Benefits

Are you interested in the calming benefits of sandalwood essential oil? Plant extracts have existed for thousands of years for cultural and medicinal purposes. Cave paintings have suggested essential oils go as far back as 18,000 B.C.E.

Modern-day life can take its toll on our mental health and many of us are turning to natural methods of stress relief. Statistics show that 33% of people experience extreme stress.

So what are the benefits of sandalwood essential oil? Here is everything you need to know in this sandalwood essential oil guide.

What Is Sandalwood Essential Oil?

Sandalwood essential oil comes from sandalwood trees. The oil is extracted from sandalwood chips and roots using the steam distillation method.

Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) is the best and most popular variety but it is now an endangered plant. Sandalwood essential oils are now taken from Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum).

Sandalwood essential oil is used in many products such as air fresheners and perfumes. The woody, rich aroma makes sandalwood a useful oil for meditation, essential oil blends and more. But did you know about the many sandalwood essential oil benefits?

Here are some of the various applications and benefits of sandalwood essential oil.

Sandalwood Essential Oil Benefits

Sandalwood essential oil has the potential for relieving stress and promotes calmness. In Hindu Ayurveda, sandalwood is sacred and used for worshipping the God Shiva. The oil is often used in religious ceremonies such as births and weddings.


Sandalwood essential oil has antiseptic properties that can fight infections on the skin. It can protect sores and pimples from becoming infected. Add sandalwood to a carrier oil for a topical treatment.

Sandalwood is also an excellent addition to a massage oil blend. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease tension in the body. Sandalwood essential oil is relaxing and perfect for massage.

Stress & Anxiety Relief

The earthy, grounding aroma of sandalwood can ease feelings of stress and anxiety. Sandalwood essential oil is used in spiritual practices such as chakra healing. You can create a sense of relaxation and peace with sandalwood essential oil.

You can diffuse it by itself or as part of an aromatherapy blend with frankincense or bergamot.

Improves Focus

Buddhists believe that burning sandalwood can improve mental focus during meditation. It is the most preferred scent to use during meditation. Many believe it calms the mind while allowing it to remain focused.

You can add sandalwood to your diffuser during meditation or use a blend on your wrists and ankles.


Sandalwood essential oil is high in antioxidants. Using it can protect the skin and slow down the ageing process. Using sandalwood in your skincare routine can soothe and even out your skin tone. Sandalwood also helps fight free radicals that can cause age-related skin damage.

Improves Sleep Quality

If you are having trouble sleeping, try diffusing some sandalwood essential oil. Sandalwood has a history of use for stress relief and relaxation. Studies have shown that sandalwood has sedative effects which can reduce wakefulness and increase non-REM sleep.

How to Use Sandalwood Essential Oil

There are so many ways that you can use sandalwood essential oil in your home and as part of a self-care routine. Make sure you have a good quality sandalwood essential oil from a reputable company. This will ensure you receive the full benefits of the essential oil.

You must check the quality of your essential oil before you buy it. The essential oil industry is not regulated. Make sure the oil you buy is legitimate and not diluted with other ingredients.

You should also familiarise yourself with how to use essential oils safely. Some oils are not safe for children and pets. Luckily, sandalwood is a gentle oil that is safe for both animals and children.

Here are some sandalwood essential oil tips for incorporating the oil into your lifestyle.

Sandalwood essential oil

Relaxing Massage

Sandalwood essential oil works as a massage oil to help relieve stress and tension. It is a calming scent with a grounding influence. You can mix sandalwood essential oil with other oils such as neroli, melissa, or rose for a sensuous massage oil blend.

In addition, sandalwood can help soften the skin and lighten the appearance of scars.

Aroma Diffuser

Diffusing essential oils in your home can be very beneficial to your health. Adding a few drops of sandalwood essential oil to your aroma diffuser can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. Sandalwood is often paired with floral scents such as jasmine, orange blossom, and ylang-ylang.


Sandalwood essential oil is known for its mood-enhancing properties which makes it perfect for meditation. Diffuse sandalwood in your room whilst you meditate for extra stress relief. For an uplifting aromatherapy blend add bergamot or grapefruit essential oils.

Haircare & Skincare

You may find sandalwood essential oil blended into your hair and skin products. It can add an elegant scent to products that breathe life back into tired-looking skin. You can make a moisturiser or hair mask by adding sandalwood to a nourishing carrier oil such as jojoba or apricot kernel oil.

Enjoy Sandalwood Essential Oil Advantages

Sandalwood essential oil has so many amazing benefits. You can use it for stress management and in your home for an uplifting aroma. Make sure that you follow safety precautions when using sandalwood essential oil and use a carrier oil such as almond oil or grapeseed oil.

If you want to learn more about sandalwood essential oil and blends then check out Here you'll find everything from stylish aroma diffusers to de-stress herbal tea. Create harmony and balance in your home with a cloud of bliss!